LT // Kartais neplanuoti pirkiniai pasirodo visai vykę! Štai beieškodama suknelės užmačiau šiuos nuostabios spalvos New Yorker legginsus su odiniais įsiūvais šonuose, vos už 10eu! Šiuo metu esu pakvaišusi dėl panašių atspalvių, todėl juos nusipirkau net nesimatavusi. O bepirkdama tėčiui marškinėlius prigriebiau ir juodą New Yorker kepurę su žaviomis gėlytėmis, kuri man kainavo tik 3eu! Manau ji puikiai tiks pavasariui, nes su mano "žieminiu" paltu (kuris greičiau primena švarką) ir pūkine striuke ji visiškai nesižiūri, bet su odinuke manau vaizdelis bus kur kas geresnis! O kalbant apie kvepalus .. Neperseniausiai gavau iš vyro dovanų Dior L'Absolu, kurių kvapas mane baisiausiai nuvylė ir šį kartėlį numalšinau nusipirkusi Lady Gaga kvepalus "Eu de Gaga", nuo kurių kvapo tiesiog svaigstu! Ačiū Kristianai, kurie dovanojo dovanų maišelius per Juozo Statkevičiaus show, nes manąjame tarp visų mėginėlių įsipaišė šių kvepalų testeris, kurį išnaudojusi supratau, jog šitie kvepalai man labai patinka ir primena Paryžių. Taip berinkdama vyrui kvepalus nusprendžiau pasilepinti ir išpildžiau savo mažą užgaidą.
EN // Sometimes unplanned purchases turn out to be quite successful. While I was looking for a dress, I noticed these amazing New Yorker leggings with leather gussets on the sides for only 10 Eur! I am crazy about similar colors at the moment, so I bought them without even trying on. And while buying T-shirt for my dad, I have managed to grab black New Yorker hat with cute flowers. It cost just 3 Eur! It will suit me well in spring because it does not go well with my “winter” coat (which rather reminds a jacket) and feather jacket, but I believe that the view with leather jacket will be much better! When talking about perfume… I have received “Dior L’Absolu” as a present from my husband not a long time ago. The smell has disappointed me so much and I have appeased my bitterness by purchasing Lady Gaga’s perfume “Eu de Gaga”, which I love! Thank you for KristiAna that was giving out perfume bags with testers during Juozas Statkevičius show – I found this perfume tester among all others in the bag. When I tried it out, I understood that I like it very much and it reminds me Paris. So, while I was selecting perfume for my husband, I decided to satisfy my little whim.
EN // Sometimes unplanned purchases turn out to be quite successful. While I was looking for a dress, I noticed these amazing New Yorker leggings with leather gussets on the sides for only 10 Eur! I am crazy about similar colors at the moment, so I bought them without even trying on. And while buying T-shirt for my dad, I have managed to grab black New Yorker hat with cute flowers. It cost just 3 Eur! It will suit me well in spring because it does not go well with my “winter” coat (which rather reminds a jacket) and feather jacket, but I believe that the view with leather jacket will be much better! When talking about perfume… I have received “Dior L’Absolu” as a present from my husband not a long time ago. The smell has disappointed me so much and I have appeased my bitterness by purchasing Lady Gaga’s perfume “Eu de Gaga”, which I love! Thank you for KristiAna that was giving out perfume bags with testers during Juozas Statkevičius show – I found this perfume tester among all others in the bag. When I tried it out, I understood that I like it very much and it reminds me Paris. So, while I was selecting perfume for my husband, I decided to satisfy my little whim.